Monday, September 28, 2009


I left Boise early in the morning and wanted to try and get over into Wyoming as close to Denver as possible with the 9 1/2 hours I had to drive for the day. I got as far as Wamsutter, WY which is 70 miles east of Rock Springs. That left me a 5 hour drive on into Denver. Was going to try to take a 34 hour break when I got there since I did not deliver until 7pm Monday night. Didn't quite work out so I will work the week with the hours I have.

Pictures posted are from Idaho to Denver. Came over I-80 to Cheyenne and turned south on I-25. It is only 9 miles from I-80 to the Colorado state line, and when I crossed the line I looked to my left and saw several Elk standing along the hillside beside me grazing. Tried to snap the picture but could not get a focus on it fast enough. Got one but hard to see them.

Coming down I-25 to Denver runs parallel with the mountain range on my right. West of Ft. Collins is the Rocky Mountain National Park. To my south and east are rolling prairies of farm and grass lands. I reached Denver and got my fuel and a parking place where I wait for my delivery appointment tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's elk rut season (mating season). Stomping and strutting around and bugling loud enough to feel it in the ground. The mountains echo with the calls. fighting and pushing each other around with the antlers. Pretty impressive. We've been to Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park around this time of year a couple times to photograph them. there are hundreds there !

    look it up on

    - david
