Sunday, August 9, 2009


It took some doing, but I finally got a load to the house.

After dropping my load at Scottsville, KY, they gave me two load offers to pick up in Bowling Green, KY. The first went to Richmond, IN, and the second went to South Carolina. Since this was only Friday morning, I figured they would have me something from Indiana to go home with. It was a shorter load and since it was a drop and hook I figured I could get it off Friday night, take my break and have a load home to be there Monday or no later than Tuesday. My CT scan in Houston is on Wednesday morning.

Well nay, nay kemo sabe. (I don't spell in Indian). I dropped at 10pm Friday and they shot me a load offer to pick up Saturday going to Georgia that didn't deliver until Monday. Then the monthly fight began on the qualcom satellite hookup on why I could not do that. It was on my driver screen for dispatch to look at "I have to be home", I send a message leading up to unloading a load to dispatch that I need to go home. I had done all of these things and they ignore it. I guess they keep you running under the premise that you aren't going to complain for fear of being accused of refusing a load. When it comes to going home, I complain. I do my time on the road of 24 to 28 days, time to go home, get me home.

Well, dispatch says I can wait until morning dispatch comes in because they have no Texas freight. I said I would wait. At 1 am they send me another offer, waking me up, that picked up near Dayton, OH going to Chicago. Can deliver on Sunday. I protest again. They say we are just trying to keep you moving until we find something. Yeah right!!

I said I would accept the load but I protested the fact they were sending me further away from the house not closer and restated the fact I had medical tests coming up, and couldn't pick up this load until Saturday night according to the info they sent me. "Then" he tells me "well it is already loaded", I told him fine I would take the load and would get it off Saturday night and try again.

I picked the load up in Brookville, OH and headed out toward Indianapolis and would go from there up to Chicago. I saw the clock ticking on being able to stop this steamroll. This was Saturday and the staff at my home terminal only worked until noon on Saturday. It was 10am. I had sent 3 messages to dispatch that morning telling them I needed to get home and why. I had not received one single reply from them.

I called home terminal. After being on hold for 30 minutes I finally spoke with the fleet manager. I explained the situation, and with 10 minutes I was told to drop my load at the Indianapolis terminal, pick up an empty trailer and then they gave me a load going to Texas to pick up at 8 am on Sunday.

I wonder why I have to go through all that.

1 comment:

  1. Kemo Sabe - said to mean 'faithful scout'

