Started growing a beard about this time last week. Had a full week's growth today. Since I got tired of the itching, one week was all I got out of it. Found all my gray hair though, hidden on my face.
Took a few pics of Poconos but not much to look at, nothing budding out yet. I'll get some more on next trip when the color is out.
Going to post a few pics today that were from last year. They were very interesting and I had never seen anything like it. In the rock cliffs around Kansas City, MO they cut warehouses into the mountains underground. You drive in and there are docks and warehouses and all. The streets going in and out are very narrow, and you have a heck of a time getting the 53' trailers backed around those rock columns.
This is the first time I went into one of these. The first time there was a one way in and out, and it took over 5 minutes of driving back into the mountain to reach the docks. The second underground warehouse I went in and out the same way and it was a little crowded. Got stuck getting out when there was a truck trying to back into a dock and had a devil of a time doing it, and had the drive blocked in and out. Happened to be around lunch time so time he got it in there, there were a lot of cars and trucks backed down the tunnel wanting out. The pictures here are a little blurred, I found out after the fact that I had the wrong setting on the camera. I had the camera only about 4 months at that time, and first pictures in low light.
I had several more pictures but lost them all when my hard drive crashed last fall. A friend was kind enough to forward these back to me to use. I have a memory stick I back the the pictures and files up now. I have lost a lot of pictures over the last 4 years due to hard drives blowing up. Try to stop that from happening in the future.
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