I went over and picked up the load in Ashtabula, OH at 10pm Sunday night. I had two drops on the truck. The first drop was in Dunbar, WV on Tuesday morning. I drove down on the south side of Canton, OH to make sure I wouldn't have morning traffic to deal with Monday morning. I laid down to sleep for about 5 hours and still had enough time on my 14 hours to make it to near Dunbar Monday. Tuesday morning I had a 10 minute drive to my first stop.
I was carrying a load of vinyl siding which is loaded on the floor in the trailer. It takes a while to get it unloaded. I deliver quite a few of these loads and they are normally multi drops. It takes the customers 3 to 5 hours to unload half a truck. The problem with these loads is that they work a few minutes unloading and then have to stop to help customers, then back to the load. They got me unloaded in 4 1/2 hours. I took off to Lexington, KY where I had my last drop on Wednesday morning. It took another 4 hours to unload there. Everything after first 2 hours is detention time and I get paid by the hour, sometimes.
After unloading they gave me a load to pickup in Kingsport, TN, it was 213 miles deadhead to pick it up. I was supposed to be there by 4 pm but informed dispatch it would be at least 5 or 6pm before I could make it with the roads I had to travel through the mountains to get there. It was 530pm when I arrived. I was picking up 6 rolls of paper weighing 7000# per roll. The load delivered to DuBois, PA Thursday as soon as I could get there.
The trip was hard because of the roads through the mountains of West Virginia and Western Pennslyvania. They were new roads to me though. Highlight of the trip was going through Punxsutawney, PA, the home of Punxsutawney Phil. If you remember the movie "Groundhog Day" you will remember the square where the groundhog kept popping out of its hole each day. I passed right by the thing and didn't know it until it was too late to get a picture. Phil wasn't there though. Beautiful town though. It is approximately 20 miles south of I-80 near DuBois, PA.
I made it to DuBois at 230pm and was unloaded in about 15 minutes. They gave me a load to pick up in Meadsville, PA for the next morning that delivers Sunday near Richmond, KY south of Lexington. So back to Kentucky. Kind of expect once unloaded I will be sitting through Labor Day before get another load. Holidays can mess you up on loads if you don't unload at the right time of the weekend.